Payment Information
This transaction is being processed by Certified Payments. If you would like more information about Certified Payments, visit the Certified Payments Website.

6273993 - Scotts Bluff County Treasurer Redemption
Note: Bold fields are required.

Teller ID
Workstation ID
Payment Amount
Real Estate Number
Street Address
Zip Code
Email Address
Receipt will be emailed to this address
Swipe card after filling in all fields. (Real Estate Number is optional)

Legal Notice

Certified Payments provides a service for consumers and businesses to make payments via their credit card for various types of services and taxes. By utilizing Certified Payments, you, the cardholder, are subject to the following terms and conditions. By submitting your payment through Certified Payments, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions listed in the Legal Notices link below. Please read all terms and conditions carefully.

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